Agrarian reform in Brazil and its implications for agrobiodiversity

Caminhos da reforma agrária no Brasil e suas implicações para a agrobiodiversidade




This paper analyzes the agrarian reform in Brazil and its implications for agrobiodiversity. Since the end of the military government, there has been progress in public policies for family farming, which are currently under threat. Social movements resist setbacks, with a productive and sociopolitical orientation based on agroecology, that emphasizes the role of agrobiodiversity for strengthening of national sovereignty. This work contributes to studies that assess the diversity of landraces in agrarian reform areas to facilitate analyses of agroecological initiatives and actions on agrobiodiversity in rural settlements.
Keywords: agroecology; political ecology; creole seeds; food sovereignty.

Article received on July 21, 2019. Accepted on March 6, 2020.

How to cite
MARCHETTI, Fábio; MORUZZI MARQUES, Paulo Eduardo ; SANTOS, João Dagoberto dos; SILVA, Felipe Otávio Campelo. Caminhos da reforma agrária no Brasil e suas implicações para a agrobiodiversidade. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 2, p. 284-311, jun. 2020.


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