Ethical Choices, Gastronomy and "New Paysans". Changes in the Rural Space in Contemporary France

Choix éthiques, gastronomie, et nouveaux « paysans », Mutations de l’espace rural dans la France contemporaine


  • Marie France Garcia-Parpet Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), França



The paper studies the recent upward trend in agriculture producers of urban origin or of rural origin that adopted an urban carrier, recently settled in the French rural areas that claim peasant identity. Critics of the “productiviste” agriculture, they adopt practices that respect nature and follow the local habits. These practices match not only the concerns of consumers alarmed by the health scandals related to agricultural production, but also the democratization of high-end gastronomy looking for products with high flavor qualities. It follows an increase in the symbolic value of what is considered patrimony or of excellent flavor. This contributes largely to the success of these former urban people particularly able to put together a show claiming to conduct traditional farm production. This brings them success, highly in contrast with the current crisis in French agriculture, but it does not seem to represent the broad agricultural production.


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Author Biography

  • Marie France Garcia-Parpet, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), França

    Pesquisadora do Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) e do Centre de Sociologie Européenne (École des hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) em Paris. E-mail :





Thematic Section "Agribusiness, Logistics Infrastructure and Land Dynamics in the Amazon"