Eating in postmodernity: how shopping, cooking and eating are becoming the Digital Age

Comendo na pós-modernidade: como o comprar, o cozinhar e o comer estão se transformando na Era Digital


  • Ken Albala University of the Pacific, Estados Unidos



Considerations about the future of food based on the possibilities opened up by digital technology are the subject of this article, based on the Opening Conference by historian Ken Albala, given at the VIII National Meeting of Consumer Studies. Food production, marketing and consumption, in addition to culinary practice, are presented in their contemporary dilemmas and rethought in the light of the trends of recent years, signaling the type of future that awaits us, in terms of our eating habits.


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Author Biography

  • Ken Albala, University of the Pacific, Estados Unidos

    Historiador da comida e da alimentação, Professor de História na University of the Pacifice Diretor do Master in Food Studies, em São Francisco/EUA. Autor de inúmeros livros sobre comida e alimentação e editor de vários outros, em um total de 23, entre os quais se destacam Eating Right in the Renaissance, Food in Early Modern Europe, Cooking in Europe 1250-1650, The Banquet, Beans (vencedor do Jane Grigson Award, de 2008), Pancake, Grow Food, Cook Food, Share Foode Nuts: A Global History. Albala é também coeditor da revistaFood, Culture and Society, entre outras. E-mail:





Thematic Section "Agribusiness, Logistics Infrastructure and Land Dynamics in the Amazon"