Evaluation process

Blind peer evaluation process

The evaluation process in the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura is carried out in two stages.

In the first stage (desk review), the submitted proposals undergo a preliminary assessment with regard to the adequacy of the journal's profile and editorial line, compliance with the rules and guidelines and in relation to plagiarism. If it is not approved at this stage, the article is rejected and returned to the author with the reason information. If approved, proceed to the next step.

In the second stage (double-blind review), the articles are submitted to a blind peer review (neither the reviewers nor the authors will be recognized among themselves), made by ad hoc reviewers, always doctors and selected according to their academic specialty, through an evaluation form, regarding the content and quality of the contributions (clarity of the wording, quality of the arguments and validity of the data presented, timeliness and relevance, timeliness and adequacy of the references contained, clarity in the methodological description of the research, etc.). The reviewers can:

(1) recommend publication (accepted without modification);
(2) recommend publication as long as required revisions are made (reassessed, as long as it makes changes suggested by the referee);
(3) not recommend publication (refused).

In the event of a dispute in the arbitration (an approval and a refusal, for example), it is up to the Editorial Council to make the final decision, which may request an additional evaluation from a third reviewer. After the evaluators' opinions, the editors will make an editorial decision on the text and send a notification email to the author (s).

The first stage takes about 30 days.
The second stage is usually completed between 30 and 120 days.

Articles with the opinion of required reviews must be reviewed and resubmitted by the author (s) within 30 days, counted from the date of submission of requests through the journal's system. The modifications must be made by the author (s), who will receive the opinion with the referred recommendations, returning the reformulated work within the stipulated period and with the changes made marked in a different color. The article will be forwarded to the Editors and / or ad hoc reviewers, after adaptation by the author (s), for further analysis, which may be accepted or rejected. After the 30-day deadline already mentioned for returning the revised article has expired, the articles will be removed from the Editorial Council’s agenda.

The same process is used for articles coming from the continuous flow or for those submitted to possibly proposed thematic sections (only the latter have a submission deadline, informed within a previously published notice, to be respected. The rest can be sent to any time, without defined deadlines).

The Editorial Council of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura reserves the right to suggest to the author new changes of form or of a specific nature in terms of content or form, in order to adapt the article to the editorial or graphic standard of the magazine.

Guidelines for referees
The referees are responsible for directly interfering in the quality of each article submitted; the duty of attentive reading and the utmost demand as to the different aspects of each of them, without relinquishing confidentiality and ethical respect due to the authors.
From the attention to the representativeness of the title, the effectiveness of the abstract in conveying the essence of the article, the critical correction of the abstract, the adequacy and coherence of the methodology in relation to the objectives of the article, the appropriate analysis of the results, the consequent conclusion of the work , even the care with the coherence of the text.
It is also up to the referees to pay attention to the quality of the writing, to the objectivity and clarity of the article, to the correct use of terms, to the representativeness and adequacy of graphics, tables, photos and other figures, and to the pertinence and updating of the references.

Referees are not entitled to use any part of the article they are reviewing.
Reviewers must also maintain the total confidentiality of the tasks they are performing.

Want to be a reviewer for the magazine Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura?
Interested in integrating the board of reviewers of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura must have completed a doctorate, preferably in the area of ​​Social Sciences, and send an email to estudoscpda@gmail.com with the following information:
- E-mail subject: ESA Reviewer
- Body of the email: Full name, institutional affiliation, link to curriculum (Lattes for Brazilians or equivalent for foreigners), ORCID (don't have a registration? Register here), brief history of the biography and keywords (topics of your study, interest and research).

Ensuring the Peer Blind Evaluation
To ensure the integrity of blind peer evaluation for submissions to the journal every care must be taken not to disclose the identity of authors and reviewers between them during the process. This requires that authors, editors and evaluators (who are able to send documents to the system as part of the evaluation process) take some precautions with the text and properties of the document:

- The authors of the document have excluded names from text, replacing with "Author" and the year in references and footnotes, rather than author names, article title, etc.

- In Microsoft Office documents, the author ID must be removed from the document properties (in the File> Properties menu), starting with File, in the main menu, and clicking on the sequence: Aqruivo> Save as ...> Tools (or Options on Mac)> Security Options ...> Remove personal information from the file by saving> OK> Save.

- In PDFs, authors' names must also be removed from Document Properties in File on the Adobe Acrobat main menu.


Plagiarism check
Before being sent for peer evaluation, papers submitted to the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura undergo plagiarism detection software, such as the Plagium and the like. If something is identified by the tool, the journal may question the authors to ensure their goal of publishing only original works. Plagiarism will not be admitted, even if partial. We affirm that plagiarism constitutes unacceptable editorial behavior and if its existence is proven, the authors will be prohibited from submitting papers to the journal again.

As for self-plagiarism, the journal admits repetitions of up to 30% of theoretical content from other works of the same authorship (repetition of objectives, results and conclusions will not be allowed, even if it respects the percentage limit). Dissertations and theses by the same author, duly adapted to the article genre, will be admitted but only in case of submission with a single author.

Past Issues Report

Volume 28, no. 3 (October 2021 to January 2021)
Number of articles submitted: 74 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 10 (13.51%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 64 (86.49%)
Endogenous Rate – articles: 20%
Endogenous Rate – authors: 11.76%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 56,3 days
Average time to publish articles: 91,5 days
Average time to reject articles: 43 days
Published articles in another language: 0

Volume 28, no. 2 (June to September 2020)

Number of articles submitted: 66 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 10 (15.15%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 56 (84.85%)
Endogenous Rate – articles: 20%
Endogenous Rate – authors: 16.67%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 132 days
Average time to publish articles: 159 days
Average time to reject articles: 29 days
Published articles in another language: 0

Volume 28, no. 1 (February to May 2020)
Number of articles submitted: 70 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 11 (15.71%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 59 (84.29%)
Endogenous Rate – articles: 18.18%
Endogenous Rate – authors: 9.52%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 64 days
Average time to publish articles: 99 days
Published articles in another language: 1 (1 in Spanish)

Year of 2019 (3 publihed No.: 27.1, 27.2 and 27.3 – January to December 2019)

Number of articles submitted: 164 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 31 (18.9%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 133 (81.1%)
Endogenous Rate: 16.4%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 90 days
Average time to publish articles: 125 days
Published articles in another language: 3 (1 in Spanish and 2 in English)

Volume 27, no. 3 (October 2019 to January 2020)
Number of articles submitted: 62 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 9 (14.52%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 53 (85.48%)
Endogenous Rate: 22.22%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 100 days
Average time to publish articles: 133 days
Published articles in another language: 1 (1 in English)

Volume 27, no. 2 (June to September 2019)
Number of articles submitted: 53 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 11 (20.75%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 42 (79.25%)
Endogenous Rate: 18.18%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 68 days
Average time to publish articles: 90 days
Published articles in another language: 0

Volume 27, no. 1 (February to May 2019)
Number of articles submitted: 49 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 11 (22.44%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 38 (77.56%)
Endogenous Rate: 9%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 101 days
Average time to publish articles: 152 days
Published articles in another language: 2 (1 in Spanish and 1 in English)

Year of 2018 (3 published No.: 26.1, 26.2 and 26.3 – January to December 2018)
Number of articles submitted: 133 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 31 (23.30%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 102 (76.70%)
Endogenous Rate: 19.35%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 80 days
Average time to publish articles: 105 days
Published articles in another language: 2 (in Spanish)

Volume 26, no. 3 (October 2018 to January 2019)

Number of articles submitted: 47 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 10 (21.28%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 37 (78.72%)
Endogenous Rate: 10%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 111 days
Average time to publish articles: 135 days
Published articles in another language: 1 (in spanish)

Volume 26, no. 2 (June to September 2018)
Number of articles submitted: 45 articles
Published articles (acceptance rate): 11 (23.40%)
Declined articles (refusal rate): 34 (75,60%)
Endogenous Rate: 18,18%
Average time for acceptance of published articles: 74 days
Average time to publish articles: 98 days
Published articles in another language: 1 (in spanish)