Code of Ethics and Conduct

The journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, aware of the academic and social responsibility of a scientific journal, guides its code of ethics and conduct according to the following points.
Three are the fundamental characters for the production of a scientific journal and the consequent construction of knowledge: authors, editors / editorial advisers and referees.
The three characters must be aware of the importance that research results represent for society, which takes them as a reference, using them and disseminating them. In this sense, we emphasize the responsibility of each of the three figures involved in the composition of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, aiming at a fruitful editorial and scientific production.

Responsibilities of the authors
- Present, if any, the research funding institution, dedicating it a space in the acknowledgments, and ensure that the content presented in the texts has no influence from the funding institution;
- Undertake not to falsify and manufacture data, as well as use piracy or plagiarism in the production of their texts;
- Set up, as author, an ethical researcher and responsible for the content exposed in the material produced;
- Ensure the originality and originality of the texts, including the preprint, submitted for evaluation;
- Identify clearly and correctly the authorship of all who performed the study and the consequent text of the article. Likewise, indicate the co-authors and their respective collaborations;
- Inform possible conflicts of interest that may occur at the time of submission of the article, whether academic, financial, personal or political;
- Keep available to correct the literature - if necessary;
- Do not manipulate citations, data and information in order to obtain the desired search result in the material produced;
- Do not overuse self-citation. In the same sense, do not use specific references aimed at manipulating impact factors, as well as self-plagiarism;
- Verify the existence of copyright of the images that will possibly be used in the construction of the text, identifying, whenever used, their authorship and sources.

Responsibilities of editors and editorial boards
- Ensuring the confidentiality of authorship and evaluation, ensuring and carrying out blind peer evaluation;
- Defining the editorial content presented in the journal;
- Doing everything possible not to overload the referees, volunteers in their duties;
- Ensuring open access to the content presented in each of the journal's published issues, thus ensuring the dissemination of science and knowledge;
- Informing possible conflicts of interest that may occur when an article is submitted, be it academic, financial, personal or political, that may affect editorial decisions;
- Maintain constant respect for authors, the scientific community, partner publishers, readers and peer reviewers;
- Be open to communication with the academic and scientific community;
- Perform an initial analysis of the submitted articles, to verify the adequacy to the scope of the journal and save the time of those involved in the evaluation process: authors and reviewers;
- Respect the limits of integrity in academic research, in view of the editorial freedom of the editors and editorial counsel conceived; and objective regarding the process of composition of the journal.

Responsibilities of the reviewers
- Assure the confidentiality of its evaluation, ensuring and carrying out the blind peer evaluation;
- Evaluate the articles with academic neutrality and rigor;
- Perform the function of expert as a volunteer, aware of the importance of their collaboration with the journal and science;
- Inform editors when they are uncomfortable evaluating an article because of the thematic distancing from the text of their field of study;
- Reporting potential conflicts of interest that may occur when evaluating an article, whether academic, financial or personal;
- Do not make use of material other than a reading strictly related to the assessment;
- Do not induce, in their respective opinions, that the authors cite texts written by the reviewer;
- Do not take advantage, under no circumstances the function of evaluator;
- Conduct constructive criticism focused specifically on the text and;
- Be aware that the figure of the reviewer and his / her blind peer review practice are the key points for evaluating the quality of the journal content.

This code of ethics and conduct has been designed to promote integrity in scientific journal publications. Other questions than those presented here will be verified by the CPDA / UFRRJ ethics committee.