Paternal strategies for maintaining generational succession in rural properties

Estratégias paternas para a manutenção da sucessão geracional em propriedades rurais




This article aims to discuss the internal aspects of families and the properties that motivate succession, more specifically the strategies launched by the parents to motivate their children to remain on the properties and in the family businesses. The study was carried out in the municipality of Cruz Alta, state of Rio Grande do Sul, through semi-structured interviews with 31 rural producers. Considering the results of the strategies promoted by the parents, it is possible to verify the existence of six types of strategies: 1) strategy related to occupation; 2) strategies of autonomy; 3) new investment strategy; 4) provision of opportunities for study strategy; 5) strategy of urban occupation and 6) strategy of donation of assets. The strategies outlined above reveal that the generational succession loses the character of a natural process as it was in past generations when the children remained on the property through moral obligation, for love of the land and to maintain the family collectivityand the reproduction of the patrimony throughout generations. Today, the farmers interviewed demonstrate that succession among the children needs to be motivated. This condition shows that parents are concerned about maintaining business and equity and make an effort to enable or maintain this process.
Keywords: material and symbolic goods; maintenance of business and equity; generational succession.

Article received on October 30, 2019. Accepted on April 10, 2020.

How to cite
MOREIRA, Sandro da Luz ; SPANEVELLO, Rosani Marisa; BOSCARDIN, Mariele; LAGO, Adriano. Estratégias paternas para a manutenção da sucessão geracional em propriedades rurais. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 2, p. 413-433, jun. 2020.


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