Agriculture: Kinship Production and Relations with Nhanderukuéry

Agricultura: Produção de Parentes e Relações com Nhanderukuéry


  • Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lopes Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA), Brasil



The theme of the relationship of the Guarani with agriculture is a central concern in any ethnological production. This "vocation for agricultural activities" might be justified by the bond which it fosters: "with the deities", that is, with the nheeruete "father of souls", in particular the avaxiete – "true corn". Together with this, hunting is invested with strong symbolic restrictions as it constitutes itself as a channel of communication with animality. The article, fruit of the author's dissertation, aims to discuss this “essentialized” image produced by the Guarani ethnology of their being farmers, when what is perceived, in practical terms, is a low dedication to this activity due to the poor resources in the area or the simple will of individuals to perform such activities, the “personal willingness”. Thus, it was realized that even if there is no systematic investment in agricultural activity, it is symbolically central to Guarani socialization alongside hunting, especially to the Mbya.


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Author Biography

  • Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Lopes, Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA), Brasil

    Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação de Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade (CPDA/UFFRJ) e professor do Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA). E-mail:

