The debate on the "seven theses" of the "Brazilian rural world": a recent brief review of the (conservative) modernization

O debate sobre as “sete teses do mundo rural brasileiro”: um breve balanço recente sobre a modernização (conservadora)




The main objective of this article is to establish a critical approach to the debate on the dynamics of the so-called "Brazilian rural world", especially between 2013 and 2014, based on the text "Seven Theses on RuralBrazil" written by Antônio M. Buainain, Eliseu Alves, José Maria da Silveira and Zander Navarro, presented in the book "The New Rurality in 21st Century Brazil". This shall be done also observing the criticisms addressed by other authors to such theses, given the superficial treatment in relation to the real processes of the rural world. On one hand, if there was a seemingly forceful theoretical proposal marked in the "seven theses", regarding the general prerogatives of agricultural development based on public policies and statistical data on investment, on the other, several authors attested the fragility of the arguments presented there due to the misunderstanding of some aspects of the reality under analysis and its unfolding. In this sense, we here intend to compile the criticisms against them in order to highlight issues pertinent to the recent fundamental debate on this dynamic of rural development.


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Author Biographies

  • Cássio Arruda Boechat, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil

    Professor adjunto do Departamento de Geografia do CCHN/UFES. Doutor em Geografia Humana pela FFLCH/USP. Pós-doutorado no CPDA/UFRRJ e no IGCE/UNESP. E-mail:

  • Erick Gabriel Jones Kluck, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil

    Mestre e doutor em Geografia Humana pela FFLCH/USP. E-mail:

