
The Editorial Committee of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura understands that the status of author should be reserved only for those who participated in a meaningful intellectual way and only those who have made a substantial academic contribution in at least two of the following components will be accepted as co-authors:

1) conception and research design;
2) data collection and processing;
3) data analysis and interpretation.

Furthermore, it is essential that each co-author has participated directly in the writing of the text.

Each person listed as an author must have read the successive versions of the text and approved the final version, thus being ethically and academically supportive with the entirety of its content and responding to it for all purposes. Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be mentioned in the acknowledgments.

The Editorial Committee of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura reserves the right to accept or not to be the co-author for the respective participants so declared.