Thematic Sections/Call for Papers

Following, in chronological order of publication forecast, are the Thematic Sections (STs) that have open calls or are in the process of being published in the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura.

Important: during the submission process, in the “Comments to the Editor” field, we ask you to inform that it is an article for ST and the title of the one for which you are proposing the work so that the submission differs from the continuous flow of the journal or of other STs that eventually also have open calls. If this is not done, the article may enter the continuous flow, miss the ST's own evaluation deadlines and the journal cannot be held responsible.


– Thematic Section “The uses of Pierre Bourdieu's theory in Brazilian rural studies
Organized by Profs. Arilson Favareto (UFABC) and Rodrigo Constante Martins (UFSCar)
Published on December 07, 2022.

– Thematic Section “Women, territorialities and feminist epistemologies: conflicts, resistances and (re)existences
Organized by Profas. Fabrina Furtado (UFRRJ), Ana Carneiro (UFSB) and Dibe Ayoub (UFF)
Published on June 30, 2023.

– Thematic Section “Rural Workers Unionism in Brazil: transformations, permanence and 60 years of Contag"
Organized by Profs. Marco Antônio Teixeira (Universität Heildeberg ) and Priscila Delgado (Instituto da Democracia)
Published on November 27, 2023.

– Thematic Section “Agribusiness, Logistics Infrastructure and Land Dynamics in the Amazon
Organized by Prof. Karina Kato (UFRRJ), Valdemar João Wesz Junior (Unila) and Juanita Cuéllar Benavides (Unila)
Publication expected in the 2nd half of 2024.
Deadline for submitting works (extended) until February 29, 2024.
More info:

– Thematic Section “Rural wage labor: permanence and new issues
Organized by Prof. Juan Manuel Villulla (University of Buenos Aires) and Mucio Tosta Gonçalves (UFSJ)
Publication forecast in the 2nd half of 2024
Deadline for submission yet to be defined
More info: yet to be defined