The genesis of territorial development policy in Brazil: actors, networks and the public policy community

A gênese da política de desenvolvimento territorial no Brasil: atores, redes e a comunidade de política pública




This article aims to understand the genesis of the territorial development policy in Brazil looking to the significance of social networks and the policy community in this process. It seeks to bring to the debate the influence of a range of actors in the network (militants or sympathizers of social movements) that were part of the Brazilian rural scene and that, with the entry of President Luís Inácio “Lula” da Silva in 2003, became members of the state bureaucracy, even assuming high ranking positions. We work with the hypothesis that the perspectives assumed by these activists were central in the definitions of the territorial policies. The relationship between social movements, political parties and State is addressed on the basis of relational sociology, using the idea of social networks and public policy community. seeking to identify which actors have occupied key positions in the deliberative and decision arenas and how they have articulated with other bureaucrats. Interviews were conducted with central actors as the principal source of data for analysis. It is reinforced that more than a favorable institutional context, that is, the opening of windows of opportunity made possible by the Lula government, are the actions of this community since the 1990s that in fact produce ideas/values and define public policies with a territorial bias to rethink development in the country.
Keywords: social networks; territorial development; policy community.

MOURA, Joana Tereza Vaz de; PONTES, Bárbara Maia Lima Madeira. A gênese da política de desenvolvimento territorial no Brasil: atores, redes e a comunidade de política pública. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, v. 28, n. 1, p. 180-207, fev. 2020.

Submitted on June 4, 2019.
Accepted on November 28, 2019.


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