Isolated and dispersed communities, communities in condition of marginalization in Ecuador

Comunidades aisladas y dispersas, comunidades en condición de marginación en Ecuador




The concept of marginalization allows knowing the "assets" or tools whose access determines the ability to move out of poverty. In this article an attempt is made to verify whether in a rural area the distance to the nearest urban center and the population density are "assets" that determine poverty. A descriptive analysis shows how poverty in the communities farthest removed from the nearest urban center and less dense is almost 30 points greater than overall rural poverty and 40 points greater than that of the provincial total. Quantitative analysis through regression models shows how both the distance to the city and the population density are significant and explanatory of poverty. The study was carried out in the communities of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador.
Keywords: marginalization; assets; chronic poverty; Ecuador.

OLARTE, Susana Herrero. Comunidades aisladas y dispersas, comunidades en condición de marginación en Ecuador. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, v. 27, n. 1, p. 47-66, fev. 2019.

Submitted in september 2018.
Accepted in december 2018.


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Author Biography

  • Susana Herrero Olarte, Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA), Equador

    Doctorate in Applied Economics, director of the Center for Economic and Business Research (CIEE) of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (FACEA) of the University of the Americas (UDLA), Quito, Ecuador and professor in South America (macro economics) and postgraduate in Europe (development economics and economic history).

