Did you know? Playfulness as an organizational tool in the periodical Terra Livre (1954-64)

Você Sabia? O lúdico como ferramenta organizativa no periódico Terra Livre (1954-64)





Moved by the desire to broaden the analysis of the situation of rural workers in pre-64 Brazil, we have elaborated the present article, whose objective is to identify the function of the "Almanaque de Terra Livre" space in the transmission of pecebist guidelines and interpretations. To do so, we divided the text into five parts: we elaborated a brief history of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) on rural issues, addressing its strategies of struggle; we present themain characteristics of the Terra Livreand the political function of the pecebist press; we expose the role of jokes in the circumscription of adversaries; we analyze the ethnic issue in the argumentative construction of the periodical; and we identify the strategies used to inculcate precepts of the class struggle. As a theoretical-methodological reference, we draw on the ideas developed by Jean-Noël Jeanneney, Norman Fairclough, Regina de Luca, Cruz and Peixoto, and carry out a two-dimensional analysis of this journal's discourse, discussing both its textual structure – vocabulary, cohesion and textual strategy – and the political-economic conjuncture in which it was inserted.


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Author Biography

  • Max Fellipe Cezario Porphirio, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brasil

    Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).
    E-mail: max_fcp@hotmail.com

