New edition of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, vol. 28, n. 1 (February to May 2020)


The magazine Estudos, Sociedade e Agricultura, edited by the Graduate Program of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society (CPDA / UFRRJ), announces the publication of its most recent issue (vol. 28, n. 1 - February to May 2020) composed of the Thematic Section "Strategies and food practices of multilocalized agricultural families and the roles of public policies" (introduction and three articles) and six more articles from the continuous flow that contemplate themes such as Regionalism and Ruralism, Quality Labels, Soy Cultivation, Associativism and Rural Development.

This is also the first issue that has already been published with DOI, which greatly facilitates the sharing of knowledge published here.

We invite everyone to read the link below, where all previous editions are also available.