Revista Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura agora fornecerá DOI com prefixo próprio a todos os artigos publicados


Among other constant and continuous improvements, the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura now adopts the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​feature with its own prefix, which makes it easier to disclose, search, cite and also fill in your production at Lattes and Orcid (when filling in your DOI code, the system automatically pulls all article information and completes registration).

DOI is an individual alphanumeric code that when deposited in your scientific papers or articles ensures that they are always available for consultations. With it, anyone anywhere in the world can easily and always access your work, increasing the visibility of your production. That is, even if the URL of the magazine changes, the works are not lost because they are secure with a single and permanent link, which also avoids duplication of text on other sites and speeds up the process of checking and counting citation.