Call for papers - Thematic Section “Among continuities and discontinuities of public policies for Brazilian agriculture”


The Thematic Section will be published in the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura (ESA), of the Graduate Program of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society (CPDA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and organized by a commission composed by professors Eric Sabourin (CIRAD, ART-Dev, Universidade de Montpellier, MUSE, France) and Sergio Pereira Leite (CPDA/UFRRJ).

Articles must be sent until July 4th, 2021, through the submission system of the journal Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura (

The organizers hope to receive articles that contribute to the analysis of the continuity and discontinuity processes of public policies aimed at the Brazilian rural environment, especially those related to agrarian, food and agri-environmental issues, as well as differentiated government programs to serve specific sectors, such as family farming. , traditional peoples, agroecology and organic production etc. The idea is to contemplate an accurate reflection on the movements of construction, implementation, ruptures, permanences and changes that occurred in the menu of Brazilian agricultural and agrarian policies, especially those of national scope, experienced in the last three decades (1990-2020). For that, exercises with the use of theoretical-methodological approaches that help a broader understanding of these mechanisms are welcome, as well as works that inform the procedural, organizational and political-institutional dimensions of policies and their respective decision-making and / or consultative arenas.


Rules for submission of articles
1. Texts in the form of an article will be accepted. In total, up to 7 (seven) articles will be selected.
2. The Editorial Board will be responsible for the final decision on the publication of the texts.
3. The originals must respect all conditions for submission and guidelines for authors of the journal (
4. The analysis and evaluation of the articles will be done in two stages. In the first, the Editorial Board of the Magazine will evaluate the articles, verifying if they obey the criteria of the Magazine. Then, those articles considered suitable will be forwarded to two referees or reviewers who will issue opinions on the relevance of the publication. After this evaluation, modifications to the works may be suggested.
5. In the field “Comments for the Editor”, we request that you inform that it is a submission to the Thematic Section “Between continuities and discontinuities of public policies for Brazilian agriculture” so that the submission differs from the continuous flow of the magazine.


All articles will go through the blind peer review system of Revista ESA.