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Author Guidelines

In order to submit a manuscript for the consideration of the journal, it is first necessary to register as an author on the portal. We encourage authors to pre-register on the ORCID platform to provide their registered number in their profiles on our portal in order to collaborate with the best efforts of attribution of scientific authorship.

The text goes through a preliminary assessment with regard to the suitability of the journal's profile and editorial line, compliance with the rules and guidelines and in relation to plagiarism. In the absence of any conformity, it will be returned to the authors with the necessary observations. In case of approval in this first stage (desk review), it will be sent directly to ad hoc reviewers for the double-blind review – for more information, see Evaluation Process.

All submissions are evaluated using the criteria listed below and those that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

1. The contribution must be original and unpublished (not published and not being evaluated for publication by another journal). At the time of submission, authors assume the responsibility not to use false or copied data. Fraudulent use of data, manipulation of citations and false authorship will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Plagiarism will not be admitted, even if partial. As for self-plagiarism, the journal admits repetitions of up to 30% of published content from other works of the same authorship (repetition of objectives, results and conclusions will not be allowed, even if it respects the percentage limit). 

2. It is mandatory to provide the data of all authors during the submission process (attention, however, to item 4). To this end, a supplementary document (in another .doc file other than that of the article) must be sent in the form of a letter of introduction with the following information: title of the article, full name of the author (s), institutional affiliation, brief academic curriculum, telephone and e-mail (click on "Send file" on the screen "2. Upload submission"). If this document is not attached, the metadata for all authors must be filled in on the next screen ("3. Enter metadata"). The lack of information about any of the authors is a reason for returning the article.

3. The texts should have an A4 page format, Microsoft Word format (.doc extension), font Times New Roman size 12, space 1.5 between lines and all sides margins of 2.5 cm. Texts are accepted in the form of an article or review. Articles must be between 25 and 30 pages long (including abstract, references and footnotes). Reviews up to 6 pages.

4. The name(s) of the author(s) should not appear in the body of the article and should also be removed from the file properties to ensure anonymity in the process evaluation (Ensuring the Peer Blind Evaluation).

5. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.

6. The clear reading of data in figures, tables and tables (which must be prepared so that, even if in a smaller size, they continue to read their data assured, since, in case of publication, the final page size of the is 14x21cm)  is the sole responsibility of the authors. All of these elements must be compatible with the PB format of the magazine layout and be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. When figures, tables and tables are not readable, they cannot be published, thus making the article equally unpublishable.

7. The article should also have a summary and keywords (at least 3 words or 3 terms composed of a maximum of 3 words each) in Portuguese (or in its original language) and also in English (title, abstract and keywords). The review should also contain the title in English.

8. The author may indicate research funding source(s) in the "Comments for the Editor" at the time of submission (1. Start).

9. It is up to the author to perform the spelling and grammatical revision of the text before submission, since articles with many errors make it more difficult to read and to be aprroved eventually approved by reviewers. The text must obey the Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language of 2008 (not necessary if written in English, Spanish or French). All articles, eventually approved, will go through a  professional Portuguese reviewer before publication.

10. References and citations must follow ABNT (NBR 6023/2018 e 10520/2017).

11. URLs placed in the article must have the link active for checking and with the information of the date of last access to the site.

12. The statements and concepts emitted in signed articles are the absolute responsibility of their authors.

13. Thematic sections, eventually proposed, will have the same evaluation process of the articles in the continuous flow (first stage with preliminary evaluation by the invited editors and second stage with blind peer evaluation), with the works being submitted to the journal within a determined period in the notice which will be made public in advance.

14. Each author may submit or keep in process of evaluation one text at a time. A new submission can only be submitted after the end (final refusal or acceptance) of the previous evaluation.

15. Authors who intend to publish articles regularly in Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura must wait a period of 1 (one) year for a new publication.

16. Editors may refuse the text, even before appointing evaluators, that does not fall within the scope of the journal, does not meet mandatory requirements, is not appropriate within the deadline or when the guidelines detailed here are not observed.

17. Once the submission is admissible, the manuscripts will be submitted to (at least) two consultants specialized in the subject who will issue opinions on the pertinence of their publication and will serve as a subsidy to the editors, remaining with them the final decision.

18. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura does not charge any fee or financial contribution due to the submission of articles or their processing.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submitted articles and bibliographic reviews are original and unpublished, not being considered for publication and / or published in any other journal.
  • All papers must be in Microsoft Word format (*.doc) and the instructions available on Ensuring Blind Peer Evaluation must be followed.
  • Submissions with more than one author comply with the Co-authorship criteria adopted by the journal and additional documents are being sent attached attesting compliance with these criteria.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • It is required that all author metadata (education, institutional affiliation, brief CV) of ALL authors must be completed in the appropriate field during the submission process. If this is not possible, it is necessary to send a file (.doc or .pdf) with this data from ALL authors. Works that do not meet this requirement will not continue in their evaluation process until the authors take the necessary steps.
  • The submitted article must contain a title (in Portuguese, or in the source language, AND in English); abstract (in Portuguese, or in the source language, AND in English), keywords (in Portuguese, or in the source language, AND in English) and references. Works that do not complete any of these mandatory elements will be returned to the authors.
  • The maximum number of authors per article is 4 (those who contributed to the work but did not participate in all the processes of writing the article, especially the writing, do not meet the criteria for authorship and should be mentioned in the acknowledgments. See Co-autorship).
  • The maximum number of authors per article is 4 (four). Those who contributed to the work but did not participate in all the processes of elaboration of the article, mainly the writing, do not meet the authorship criteria and must be mentioned in the acknowledgments. See Coauthorship).
  • All authors and co-authors are required to have a minimum Master's degree (stricto sensu).
  • It is required that all authors and co-authors have a minimum Master's degree (stricto sensu).
  • All papers must be in Microsoft Word format (*.doc) and the instructions available at Assuring the Assessment Blinded by Peers need to be followed.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the section Guidelines for Authors.

Articles (continuous flow)

Default section policy.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.